The Secretariat of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
presents its compliments to the Ministries of Foreign/External Affairs of the Member States
of SAARC and has the honour to convey that the SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC) has
announced vacancy Announcements’ for a professional post of Senior Programme
Specialist (Priority Setting & Program Development)”. A copy of letter No. SAC/73
S(P-II)/21/17/ dated 19 January 2021 of the SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC), along with
Prescribed Application Form and vacancy Announcement, is enclosed.
The esteemed Ministries of ForeignlExternal Affairs of the Member States are
requested to take necessary measures to upload the Vacancy Announcement in the websites
of the following offices:
i. Ministry of Foreign/External Affairs;
ii. Relevant Ministry(ies) and offices;
iii. National Agricultural Research System (NARS);
iv. Relevant professional organizations/bodies/institutions; and
v. Relevant publicly accessible sites.
It may be noted that the eligibility criteria, prescribed Application Form and other
details can be downloaded from the website of the SAARC Agriculture Centre
( and the deadline for submission of application is 31 March 2021.
Please click to download the file :