Article Submission Guidelines

Guidelines for submission of article to the SAARC Journal of TB, Lung Diseases and HIV/AIDS through Online


We have revised our online article submission option on our website with the aim of streamlining the process for submission of articles and providing better, quicker information to all.

We would like to invite all authors who want to submit a paper to the SAARC Journal of TB, Lung Diseases and HIV/AIDS to do so online via our website:, to use the system, you must first register – to do this, please follow the instructions given below:


  • Please go to and click on “Journal” you will see sub menus, “Online Submission of Articles”
  • After click on “Online Submission of Article” you will be prompted to Login Form for Sign up for new user and User Name and Password for registered users, if an account already exists for you.
  • Similarly, if you are a new user of this site, please “Sign Up” by clicking sign up, and go through the process by completing the format for register you see on the screen and register yourself on the website. Click on Register, then information will appear to open your e-mail.
  • After successful completion of registration format, go to your e-mail, which is given by you during registration and to click on the link given by e-mail, then “Article Submission Form” will open from where you can submit your article.  Later, you can directly “Sign In” on the Login Form by giving your User Name and Password.
  • Please read the information given on Article Submission Form before submitting the article.
  • After submitting article, you will see “Your article has been submitted” along with the acknowledgement “Thank you for submission of article, you will be intimated regarding its suitability for publication within 4 months”.


Now submit your article

Just Click and submit your article to the SAARC Journal of TB, Lung Diseases and HIV/AIDS through Online

If the online submissions does not respond, articles can be submitted through our email ID and

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