- Programme for 2019 (Download)
- Programmes for 2018 (Download) updated on 25-01-2019
- Programmes for 2017 (Download)
- Programmes for 2014 (Download)
- Programmes for 2013 (Download)
- Programmes for 2012 (Download)
- Programmes for 2011 (Download)
- Programmes for 2010 (Download)
- Programmes for 2009 (download)
- Programmes for 2008 (Download)
- Programmes for 2007(see below)
Public Awareness and Advocacy Program on TB and HIV/AIDS:
Commemoration of:
- World TB Day and World AIDS Day
- Celebration of SAARC Charter Day
- Partnership Program with –
- School and Media in Afghanistan
- School Teacher in Bhutan
- School and Media in Maldives
- School (teacher/students), Media, Medical Colleges and NGOs in Nepal
- Industries in Sri Lanka
- Media involvement / mobilization activities
- SAARC Workshop on involvement of Media – Bangladesh, India, Pakistan
- Participation in International / Regional Meetings, Seminars, Conferences,
- Participation in NTP and NACP review in Member Countries.
Production of STAC Publications:
- STAC Newsletter
- SAARC Journal of TB, Lung Diseases and HIV/AIDS
- SAARC epidemiological yearly reports (updates) on TB, HIV/AIDS including TB/HIV co-infection
- History of HIV/AIDS in the SAARC Region
- Annual Report of STAC
- World TB Day and World AIDS Day Report
- Guidelines for Partnership program with Industry, Travel Agency and Manpower Agency
- Awareness and advocacy materials (stickers on HIV/AIDS, calendar, brochures etc.)
Distribution of STAC Publication
- Strengthening of STAC Library and updating of website:
- Purchase/subscription of books and journals
- Updating of Audio Visual materials in Library
- Dissemination of information on TB & HIV/AIDS by updating STAC website
Other Programs
- SAARC Regional Training of Trainers on Management of Drug Resistant TB (DOTS Plus)
- SAARC Regional Workshop to develop/strengthen mechanism for cross – border activities in controlling TB and HIV/AIDS
- SAARC Regional consultative and strategic planning meeting of HIV/AIDS program managers
- SAARC Regional Meeting of Managers of NTP and NACP from SAARC Member States & SAARC Meeting for the Group of Experts of Electronic and Print Media to develop the mechanism/link to utilize the facility for dissemination of information, education and communication (IEC) information/materials on TB and HIV/AIDS in the region.
- SAARC Regional Training on Leadership and Strategic Management in TB and HIV/AIDS control.
- SAARC Regional Training of Trainers (ToT) on QA in Sputum Microscopy.
- Preparatory works for the SAARC second conference on TB, HIV/AIDS & Respiratory Diseases to be organized in Kathmandu in 2008.
- Carryout situation analysis of TB and HIV/AIDS control program and laboratory activities in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
- Community based risk behavior study on HIV/AIDS targeting women in Nepal.
- Quality Assurance of Sputum Microscopy in Private Labs in Dhaka
- HIV prevalence in TB patients in Afghanistan and Bhutan
- Third SAARC Regional Workshop on TB/HIV co-infection (follow up of second workshop)
- Second Workshop to develop regional guidelines for treatment of MDR TB & third meeting of Laboratory Directors from 9 Reference Labs in SAARC Region.
- Fourth Round External Proficiency Testing in 9 Reference Laboratories.
- Chemical and other materials to develop culture and sensitivity test, AFB test and regular activity at the STAC reference lab.
- Strengthening of SAARC regional epidemiological networking for TB and HIV/AIDS data management.
- Acceptability of HIV testing by TB patients in the Member States.
- Identify the ways and means of collaboration between TB and HIV/AIDS programs to find out the challenges in implementation and suggest solution in Member States.