The SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre provides platform for interaction, sharing experiences and new findings of research, implement policies and strategies in order to implement effective and successful TB and HIV/AIDS control in the Region. The Centre has organized the following seminars so far.
- SAARC Seminar on Management of TB Control Program in unban/Slums in the SAARC Member States-2018, Bangladesh
- Seminar on collaborate and support Cross Border Activities in controlling TB and HIV/AIDS, 2008
- Compilation and updating of advocacy and IEC material relating to TB and HIV/AIDS – 2000
- Gender and sociological issues related to TB – 1999
- Production, marketing/distribution and quality control of anti-TB drugs – 1997
- Pilot demonstration areas of TB control – 1997
- TB control programme through PHC approach – 1995
- TB programme managers – 1994
- Socio-cultural aspects of TB – 1993
(updated on 27 January 2020)