SAARC Regional Strategy on Cross Border, Migration and Health 2018-2023
Cross-border migration poses a big challenge for many countries,
both in terms of the magnitude and variety of migration patterns
and processes. If appropriately managed, migration can greatly
benefit the individual as well as his/her source and destination
communities. In contrast, poorly managed migration can result
in various social, cultural, and economic difficulties, including
public health problems such as HIV/AIDs and TB. The South-East
Asia Region carries the highest burden of TB and the second highest burden of HIV
in the world. Four Member States, out of eight in the SAARC region, namely India,
Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan are among the 22 high burden countries.
Download link : SAARC Regional Strategy on Cross Border, Migration and Health
SAARC Regional Strategy for Elimination of Tuberculosis 2018-2023
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the major public health problems
in the member states of South Asia Association for Regional
Cooperation (SAARC). It includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Out of
30 high TB disease burden countries (HBC) in the world, three
countries (Bangladesh, India and Pakistan) are in the SAARC
region. There are estimated 10.4 million new cases of TB, and
6.6 million cases were notified in 2016. The SAARC region carries 36% of the
global burden of TB.
SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre (STAC) had lunched “SAARC
Regional Strategy for Control/Elimination of Tuberculosis (2013-2017)”
in the SAARC region which has been implemented in all the member states.
With the implementation of the first regional strategy, the National TB Control
Programmes of some of the member states have already set their target for
elimination of TB from their respective countries for e.g. Bhutan 2020, India 2025
and Maldives 2020. Download Link : TB Elimination Strategy – 2018_2019
SAARC Regional Strategy on Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) for TB and HIV/AIDS 2018-2023
Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) role
is vital in TB and HIV/AIDS control strategies. ACSM is crucial in
achieving a world free of TB and HIV/AIDS. Its aim is to support
National TB and HIV/AIDS Control Programmes of the SAARC Region
to combat stigma and discrimination, improve case detection and
treatment adherence, and empower people affected by TB and HIV/
AIDS and to mobilize political commitment and resources for TB and
HIV/AIDS. ACSM is an important component of the TB and HIV/AIDS control strategy
to ensure long-term, sustained impact. Advocacy seeks to ensure strong commitment.
Policy advocacy informs politicians and administrators about how to issue affects the
country and outlines the actions to improve laws and policies. Program advocacy targets
opinion leaders at the community level on the need for local action and media advocacy
validates the relevance of the subject so as to raise awareness of the problem and its
possible solutions. Communication aims to change knowledge, attitudes and practices
whereas Social Mobilization brings together community members and stakeholders to
strengthen community participant for sustainability and self-reliance.
Download Link: ACSM for TB and HIV/AIDS 2018-2023
SAARC Regional Strategy on HIV/AIDS 2018-2023
The SAARC Member States have varied epidemiological
patterns of HIV infection and AIDS. In reviewing the current
epidemiology of HIV and AIDS within the SAARC region, the
diversity needs to be fully addressed and defined. Despite
of these diversities, Member States are committed to take
necessary actions and contain HIV and AIDS epidemic. The
political declaration on HIV/AIDS, the global community adopted
new targets and made firm political commitments for 2020-2030. These targets
aim to “fast track” the response, to accelerate the scale-up in the next five years.
Download Link: SAARC Regional Strategy on HIV/AIDS 2018-2023
SAARC Guidelines for Private-Public Mix Approach for National TB Control
The burden of Tuberculosis in SAARC Member States is enormous. Among the 30
TB High Burden Countries of WHO, we have 3 countries, namely India, Pakistan and
Bangladesh with more number of patients with symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis
(TB) seek care from private health-care providers. These care providers, often not
linked to public sector-based on National Tuberculosis Control Programmes (NTPs),
may serve a large proportion of TB suspects. The size, types and roles of these care
providers vary greatly within and across the countries. In some settings there is a
large private commercial sector and numerous non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) while in others there are public sector providers such as general hospitals
that operate outside the scope of NTPs. Evidence suggests that failure to involve
all care providers used by TB suspects and patients hampers case detection,
delays diagnosis, leads to inappropriate and incomplete treatment, contributes to
increasing drug resistance and places an unnecessary financial burden on patients
as well as on country
Download Link : SAARC Guidelines for Private-Public Mix Approach for National TB Control Programmes
SAARC Regional Guidelines on Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Tuberculosis- 2019
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major cause of ill health and is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide. Globally, an estimated 10.0 million (range, 9.0–11.1 million) 2 people fell ill with TB in 2018, a number that has been relatively stable in recent years. The burden of disease varies enormously among countries, from fewer than five to more than 500 new cases per 100 000 population per year, with the global average being around 130. There were an estimated 1.2 million (range, 1.1–1.3 million) TB deaths among HIV-negative people in 2018 (a 27% reduction from 1.7 million in 2000), and an additional 251 000 deaths (range, 223 000–281 000)3 among HIV positive people (a 60% reduction from 620 000 in 2000). TB affects people of both sexes in all age groups but the highest burden is in men (aged ≥15 years), who accounted for 57% of all TB cases in 2018. By comparison, women accounted for 32% and children (aged <15 years) for 11%. Among all TB cases, 8.6% were people living with HIV (PLHIV).
Download link: SAARC Regional Guidelines on Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Tuberculosis- 2019
Vision on elimination of TB and HIV-AIDS Epidemic in the SAARC Region
The STAC Vision Document will support the Member States in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving the time bound pledges of the United Nations General Assembly on Special Session on HIV/AIDS (UNGASS) and beyond.
Download link : Vision_on elimination of TB and HIV-AIDS Epidemic in the SAARC Region
SAARC Regional Strategy on Advocacy, Communication & Social Mobilization for TB and HIV/AIDS
Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM) are an integral part of TB and HIV/AIDS care and control activities. ACSM activities can highlight and bring to focus key areas that are essential to control TB and HIV/AIDS; mobilize resources required for these key areas through collaborative approaches; increase awareness about TB and HIV/AIDS and the visibility of available services; and empower communities to be a partner, in decision-making process and in monitoring the quality of services and generate demand for quality treatment and care.
The Member States in the SAARC Region have already prepared and are implementing strategies for TB and HIV/AIDS control. ACSM activities are closely linked to all components of these strategies. ACSM can catalyze the interventions linked to each and every component of the TB and HIV/AIDS strategy.
SAARC Regional Strategy on TB/HIV Co-infection
TBand HIV are closely interlinked. TB is a leading cause of HIV-related morbidity and mortality. HIV is the most important factor fuelling the TB epidemic in populations with a high HIV prevalence. Collaboration between TB and HIV/AIDS programmes is crucial in supporting general health services providers. These providers need support in delivering the full range of HIV and TB prevention and care interventions. To counteract the impact of HIV on TB, other interventions are required apart from effective TB case-finding and cure.
SAARC Regional Strategy on HIV/AIDS
The SAARC Regional strategy on HIV/AIDS has been developed through an extensive consultative process with the Member States, UNAIDS and its other co-sponsors, members of the Expert Group Committee and others. The vision of the strategy is to halt and reverse the spread and impact of HIV and AIDS, to commit leaders to lead the fight against HIV and AIDS and to provide People Living with HIV and AIDS access to affordable treatment and care and enjoy a dignified life. The regional strategy is to guide the regional response to the epidemic.
SAARC Regional Strategy for Control/Elimination of Tuberculosis
In line with STOP TB Partnership Strategy, STAC has developed SAARC Regional Strategy for Control/Elimination of TB for achieving MDG of reducing disease burden of TB to half by 2015, and finally its elimination by 2050. The strategy will be implemented for a period of Five years, 2013-2017.
The SAARC Regional Strategy is developed with the joint efforts and inputs of all the SAARC Member States to address the challenges and issues in the context of the region and Member States.
(for full version of strategies, please click the downloads below)