Message no 246 07 37
No. SAARC/ETC SEC/ Vacancy/2024
The Secretariat of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) presents its compliments to the Ministries of Foreign/External Affairs of the Member States and has the honour to state that the SAARC Energy Centre (SEC), Islamabad, is planning to recruit three professional to fill up the following vacant positions :
- Deputy Director ( Programmes)
- Programme Leader (Energy Trade)
- Research Fellow( Energy, Transport and Environment)
In this regard, the Secretariat has the honour to forward herewith the ‘Vacancy Announcement’ and the prescribed ‘ Application Forms’ , received from the SAARC Energy Centre (SEC) for the above mentioned positions. The esteemed Member states are requested to take necessary action to widely circulate the Vacancy Announcement and Application Forms and may also place the advertisement on their respective websites. The last date for receipt of applications is 10 May 2024.
The Secretariat of SAARC avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministries of Foreign/External of the Member States, the assurances of its highest consideration.
Just click to download the files :
- No. SAARC/ET S/SEC/Vacancy/2024 – SAARC Letter
- Advertisement of Deputy Director (Programme)
- Application form for Deputy Director (Programme)
- TOR form for Deputy Director (Programme)
- Application form for Programme Leader( Energy Trade)
- TOR form for Programme Leader ( Energy Trade)
- Application form for Research Fellow( Energy, Transport and Environment)
- TOR form for Research Fellow ( Energy, Transport and Environment)