Dated : 06-02-2019
Fax Message No: 145/02/027
No: SAARC/ARD/77/SAC/B/2019(Vol-V)-206
SAARC Agriculture Centre Phd Scholoarship: Call for Application
The Secretariat of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) presents its complements to the Ministries of Foreign/External Affairs of the Member States of SAARC and has the honour to state that the SAARC Agriculture Centre (SAC), according to its approved Calender of Activities-2019, has announced “Call for Application” for the SAARC Agricultural PHD Scholarship-2019.
The SAC invites application from regular employees of National Agricultural Research, extension and Education System in the Member States of SAARC, except Bangladesh and Afghanistan, since such opportunities have been availed by Bangladesh and Afghanistan in the year 2017 and 2018, respectively.
A copy of of letter No. SAC/687/ 19/17 dated 31 January 2019 of the SAC, along with Call for Application and Application Form for SAARC Agricultural PhD Scholarship-2019, is attached.
The prescribed Application Form could be downloaded from the SAC’s Website( and the deadline for submission of application is 15 April, 2019.
For any further information on the matter, Director, SAC( and Dr. Rudra Bahadur Shrestha, Senior Program Specialist (Priority Setting and Program development), SAC, Dhaka, Bangladesh(Tel:+88-2-8141665, Fax: +88-2-9124596, Cell:+ 880-1316814626, email: or may kindly be contacted.