World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2024
The theme of the day:
World TB Day and SAARC TB Day 24th March 2024
” Yes! We can end TB !”
The theme of the day: World TB Day and SAARC TB Day 24th March 2022:
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2021
Updated date: 23-03-2021
The theme of the day: World TB Day and SAARC TB Day 24th March 2021: THE CLOCK IS TICKING ;IT’S TIME TO #END TB;
Message from H.E. SG- Click to Download the Message 2021
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2020
Updated date: 23-03-2020
The theme of the Day: “lt’s time for action! It’s time to End TB,
Message from H.E. SG- Click to Download the Message 2020
The Theme of the Day: “It’s TIME ! “
Message from HE SG – Click to Download the Message
The theme of this year’s World TB Day is “It’s Time..”.
- For a world without TB
- To treat 40 million people affected by TB by 2022
- To know your TB status.
The World TB Day is observed on 24 March every year globally to build advocacy and public awareness about the disease, which still remains a major public health problem in the world. The Day has been particularly useful in mobilizing political and social commitment to end the global TB epidemic.
The theme of this year’s World TB Day is “It’s Time..”.
As we are aware, TB is one of the top ten causes of death worldwide. Although TB is preventable and curable, many people in the developing countries, including those in South Asia, continue to suffer from this menace because of poverty, gender inequality, vulnerability, discrimination and marginalization. In the meanwhile, millions of people with TB do not have access to quality care, including affordable diagnostic tests and treatment facility.
It is estimated that one quarter of the world’s population is infected with TB bacteria that causes the disease. In the SAARC Region, which has over 36% of the global burden, about 3.7 million new TB cases occur and about 0.5 million die every year due to TB. These morbidity and mortality from TB occur mainly in the economically productive age group of 15-49 years.
SAARC attaches high priority to the prevention and control of TB and other communicable diseases, with several of its Member states committing themselves to eradicate TB before 2030. In order to eliminate TB from the SAARC Region before the global target, the SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre has formulated: (i) SAARC Regional Strategy on Migrant Health/Cross border issues in the SAARC Member States (2018-2023); (ii) Revised SAARC Regional Strategy on ACSM (2018-2023); (iii) Revised SAARC Regional Strategy on HIV/AIDS (2018-2023); and (iv) Revised SAA RC Regional Strategy on Elimination of Tuberculosis (2018-2023 ).
Although recent achievements in TB Control are encouraging, more needs to be done. It is time to ensure effective implementation of TB control activities to achieve the desired outcome. Now it is time to intensify advocacy, social mobilization, partnership, research and inter-sectoral efforts to achieve the target of ending the TB epidemic by 2030.
In commemorating the World TB Day, I wish to call upon the Member States and our partners to- redouble their efforts to fight the TB epidemic. I also wish the SAARC Tuberculosis and HIVIAIDS Centre further success in its endeavours.
Kathmandu, 24 March2019
Post Box No. 4222, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel.: 4-221785. Fax : 4-227033. 4-223991
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day Day 2018
The theme of the Day: Wanted: Leaders for a TB‐Free World, You can make history. End TB
• On the occasion, STAC Organized an “Interaction Programme with Medical Students from different Medical Colleges on TB Control and its Management” in Thimi Nepal on 22 March 2018
• Hon’ble State Minister Ms. Padma Aryal, Ministry of Health and Population, Government of Nepal graced the Programme as Chief Guest.
• Hon’ble Mr. Mahesh Basnet, Member of Parliament, graced the occasion.
• Hon’ble State Minister released STAC publication “SAARC Epidemiological Response on TB 2017”
• Dr. Puspa Chaudhari, Secretary, Ministry of Health and Population Chaired the Session
• Dr. R. P Bichha, Director, STAC delivered welcome address.
• Felicitation to Dr. Kashi Kant Jha, Former Director, SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre, by offering Pasmina Shawl and Letter of Appreciation.
• Display of Hoarding Board containing TB messages to the public
• There were presentations from STAC on General information on TB, SAARC Regional burden of TB, Role of Research in TB Control Programme, Situation of TB and its control strategy in Nepal and Laboratory networking in Nepal
• Participation in National function organized by NTP Nepal on 24th March 2018:
♦ Presentation of progress done by STAC in the Region
♦ Exhibition on the progress of TB and HIV/AIDS control in the SAARC Region
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day Day 2017
The Theme of the Day: “Unite to End TB”
- Felicitation to Dr. Dirgh Singh Bam, Former Secretary, Ministry of Health and Former Director, SAARC TB Centre by offering Woolen Shawl and Letter of Appreciation.
- Publication of message issued by SAARC Secretariat on the occasion of World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2017 on STAC’s website
- Display of Hoarding Board containing TB messages to the public
- STAC Organized An Interaction Programme with Nursing Students and Media people on TB Control Management with Students of Chakrabarti HaBi Education Academy College of Allied Education Academy, Thimi Nepal on the occasion of World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2017 at STAC on 22 March 2017
- Participation in National function organized by NTP Nepal on 24th March 2017:
- Readout the message of His Excellency the Secretary General of SAARC
- Presentation of progress done by STAC in the Region
- Exhibition on the progress of TB and HIV/AIDS control in the SAARC Region
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2016
The Theme of the Day: “Unite to End TB”
- Organizing Interaction Programme on TB Control Management with Students of BPH, Nobel College of Heath and Education Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal on the occasion of World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2016
- Publication of Message of His Excellency Mr. Arjun Bahadur Thapa, Secretary General of SAARC
- World TB Day 2016 is commemorated jointly with NTP Nepal at Thimi, Bhaktapur on 24th March 2016 by organizing – Reading Message of H.E. received from SAARC, Exhibition on progress on TB and HIV/AIDS control in SAARC Member States, Display and distribution of Awareness Publications, etc.
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2015
Theme: “Reach the three million” a TB test, treatment and cure for all SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre commemorated World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2015 by organizing various activities, such as:
- Publication of Message of His Excellency, Secretary General of SAARC
- Interaction Programme with Nursing Students
- Participation in Joint Function
- Exhibition
- Display of Banners and Hoarding Board
- T-shirt with TB slogan and awareness message on TB control
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2014
Theme “Reach the three million” SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre commemorated World TB Day 2014 by organizing various programmes, such as:
- Publication of Messages
- Partnership programme with Nursing Students
- Participation in stage programme
- Exhibition
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2013
Theme “Stop TB in my lifetime” Activities organized to commemorate World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2013
- Partnership programme with Nursing Colleges
- Publication of World TB Day Message of H.E. Secretary General of SAARC (Click for Message)
- Participation in Joint Programme
- Exhibition
- Display of banners
- Distribution of publications
- Publication of special book including messages of Hon’ble Health Ministers, Secretary General of SAARC, Health Secretaries, Director Generals, Directors, Programme Managers, Director STAC and lots of information on TB and its control along with the status of TB control in SAARC Member States has been published and distributed in World TB Day, Joint Function held at city hall, Kathmandu. (Click for Book in pdf format)
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2012
Theme: “Stop TB in my lifetime” Activities done:
- Partnership Programme with Media on Prevention and Control of TB
- Participation in Joint Function
- Display of Banners and Flexes
- Exhibition
- Publication of Messages
- Preparation & distribution of T-shirt with theme of World TB Day 2012 – Stop TB in my lifetime
- Publication of Articles in National Newspapers
World TB Day/SAARC TB DAy 2011 (Download brief report)
Theme “On the Move Against Tuberculosis: Transforming the Fight Towards Elimination” Activities done:
- Partnership Programme with KIST Medical College, Lalitpur, Nepal
- Participation in Joint Function
- Distribution of Publications related to awareness on TB and HIV/AIDS
- Display of Banners and Flexes
- Exhibition
- Publication of Messages
- Publication of Article in National News Papers
- Publication of Brochure
World TB Day 2010
Theme “Innovation” – Slogan “On the Move Against Tuberculosis Innovate to Accelerate Action” Activities done:
- Participation in Joint Function
- Distribution of Publications related to awareness on TB and HIV/AIDS
- Display of Banners and Flexes
- Exhibition
- Publication of Messages
- Publication of Articles in National News Papers
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2009
Theme “I Am Stopping TB” Activities done:
- Partnership Program with Teachers
- Launching of “Green Badge Campaign” Badge
- Participation in Lok Dohari (Duet Song) related with TB, its symptoms, treatment and available facilities in the country
- Press Conference
- Joint Function held at Nepal Academy Hall
- Publication of Message
- Exhibition of TB Control Activities
- Displaying of Banners
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2008
Theme “I Am Stopping TB” Activities done:
- Press Conference
- Partnership Programme with Industries at Bhaktapur, Nepal
- Joint Function at City Hall, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Releasing of STAC Publications
- Publication of Messages
- Exhibition of TB Control Activities
- Displaying of Banners
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2007
Theme Activities done:
- Display of Banner
- Publication of Messages SAARC Member States
- Rally
- Distribution of publications on public awareness about TB
- Participation in joint function
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2006
Theme “Actions for life towards a World free of Tuberculosis” Activities done:
- Display of Banner
- Publication of Messages
- Rally
- Distribution of publications on public awareness about TB
- Participation in joint function
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2005
Theme: ‘Frontline DOTS Providers -The Unsung Heroes in the War Against Tuberculosis’ Activities done in 2005:
- Display of banners
- Releasing of messages
- Rally
- Joint function
- Exhibition
World TB Day/SAARC TB Day 2004
Theme: ‘Stop TB Now – Every Breath Counts’ Activities done in 2004:
- Display of banners
- Releasing of messages
- Rally
- Joint function
- Exhibition
World TB Day 2003 Theme – ‘People with TB Slogan – DOTS cured me – it will cure you too ‘ Activities done in 2003:
- Display of banners
- Releasing of messages
- Rally
- Joint function
- Exhibition
World TB Day 2002
Theme – ‘Stop TB Fight Poverty’ Activities done in 2002:
- An interactive programme with school students
- Briefing programme for journalists
- Inauguration of TB museum
- Display of banners
- Releasing of Messages of SAARC Secretary General
- Procession
- Joint Function
- Releasing of books
- Exhibition