SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre (STAC)
The interested expert/team/agency meeting the criteria are advised to submit their Proposal
to; SAARC Tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS Centre, Thimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal in the emails: , and within 10 May,
2021 to conduct mid-term review of Strategy/strategies. For review of each strategy a separate
proposal may be submitted.
Download the file :
- Short term consultancy for mid-term review of SAARC Regional Strategy on ACSM (2018-2023)
- Short term consultancy for mid-term review of SAARC Regional Strategies on HIV/AIDS (2018-2023)
- short term consultancy for mid-term review of SAARC Regional Strategy on Elimination Tuberculosis (2018-2023)
- short term consultancy for mid-term review of SAARC Regional Strategy on Migration Health on TB and HIV/AIDS (2018-2023)