Celebration of SAARC Charter Day -2021
Celebration of SAARC Charter Day and World AIDS Day-2019
An “Interactive program on Elimination of Tuberculosis and End HIV/AIDS epidemic”, was organized in Kathmandu on 10th December 2019 on the occasion of SAARC Charter day and World AIDS Day 2019.Around 175 medical students along with their Faculty Members from five different medical colleges Institute of Medicine (IOM-TU), Kathmandu Institute of Science and Technology ( KIST) Medical College, Nepal Medical College (NMC), Kathmandu Medical College(KMC) and Army Medical College attended the program. Health care providers from ART Centre’s of Kathmandu valley ,Representatives from District offices and distinguished invitees attended in the Meeting. The Programmes was chaired by Dr. Roshan Pokhrel, Director General, Department of Health Services, Government of Nepal.
As Chief Guest, H.E. Mr. Amjad Hussain B. Sail, Secretary General, SAARC delivered a statement highlighting the importance of First SAARC Summit Dhaka, Bangladesh which adopted the Charter of SAARC on 8th December 1985 with primary objective of promoting welfare of the peoples of South Asia and improving their quality of life. He also highlighted the importance of this event for spreading awareness on HIV/AIDS in the community and policy makers.
Dr. Ramesh Kumar Kharel, Director, STAC delivered the welcome remarks and presented a paper on SAARC, STAC and its activities and achievements. During his remarks, he thanked to the H.E. Secretary General, SAARC, Director General , Department of Health Services, Government of Nepal for sparing their valuable time in spite of their busy schedule. He also thanked, Director, National Tuberculosis Program (NTC) , National Public Health Laboratory(NPHL), Government of Nepal and National Centre for AIDS STD Control Program (NCASC) and WHO representative for their presence in the program. Director, STAC also highlighted the role played by STAC through its activities for elimination of TB and HIV epidemic in the region before the Global timeline.
The Scientific presentations were presented on Global and regional situation of TB and HIV targets, Strategic Plans and commitments, the current situation of TB in Nepal and its management , the current situation of HIV / AIDS in Nepal and its management, diagnostic methods / techniques and role of Laboratory for TB and HIV / AIDS programs and current situation of TB and HIV / AIDS in the SAARC Member States, their strategic plans, best practices and the role of STAC in the elimination of TB and the end of the HIV / AIDS epidemic in the region were presented by Dr. Sagar Kumar Rajbhandari, Director, National TB Program, Dr. Runa Jha, Director, National Public Health Laboratory(NPHL) Nepal, Dr. Anuj Bhattachan, Director, National Center for AIDS and STD Control(NCASC) Nepal, Dr. Lungten Z. Wanchuck , Scientist, WHO, Nepal, and Dr. Rabeya Sultana, Research Officer, STAC, respectively .
The scientific presentation was followed by the discussion.
33rd SAARC Charter Day, 2017
Interaction Programme with Teachers and Nursing Students on SAARC, STAC & TB and HIV/AIDS
The 33rd SAARC Charter Day has been celebrated by organizing an Interaction Programme with Teachers and Nursing Students on SAARC, STAC & TB and HIV/AIDS from Shradha Institute of Health Science on 8th December 2017 in STAC. In the programme over 60 students of grade of PCL along with the Vice-Principal and concerned teachers participated.
- Publication of the Message of His Excellency Secretary General of SAARC Mr. Amjad Hussain B.Sial.
- R. P Bichha, Director, STAC delivered welcome address and made a presentation on SAARC, STAC and its objectives, functions, vision, mission, goal and Role of Nursing College for the prevention and control of TB and HIV/AIDS.
- In addition, presentations were made by the following resource persons/professionals:
- General information on sign, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment on HIV/AIDS by Dr. Ajith Weerakoon, Epidemiologist, STAC
- General information on sign, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment on TB by Mr. Kailash Bdr. Karki, STAC
- Laboratory diagnosis of TB and HIV/AIDS by Mr. Bishnu Kunwar, STAC
- Presentation on statistical data on TB and HIV/AIDS by Mr. S. K. Jha, STAC
- Presentation – Brief introduction of Resource Centre of STAC by Mr. Dependra Subba, STAC
- Discussions
- Remarks on behalf of College by Bimala Khadka, Vice Principal
- Facilitation to Mr. Gyanedra Lal Joshi , Former Accountant and Mr. Pradyumna Bhanadari, Former Computer Technician by Director, STAC
- Award of appreciation letter to participating college & closing remarks by the Chairperson -Dr. R. P. Bichha, Director, STAC
- Vote of thanks by M. K. Dhakal, STAC
- Group Photo
- Participants were provided publications of STAC as resource materials.
32nd SAARC Charter Day, 2016
- Interaction Programme with School Teachers and Students on SAARC, STAC & TB and HIV/AIDS.
The 32nd SAARC Charter Day has been celebrated by organizing an Interaction Programme with School Teachers and Students on SAARC, STAC & TB and HIV/AIDS at Pharping Higher Secondary School, Pharping, Dakshinkali, Kathmandu on 7th December 2016. In the programme 100 over students of grade 10, 11 & 12 along with the concerned teachers participated. Mr. Krishna Prasad Shrestha, Principal welcome all participants, resource persons, Director and staff of STAC. Presentations were made by the following resource persons/professionals:
- Dr. Sharat Chandra Verma, Director, STAC – Introduction of SAARC and STAC
- Dr. Ashish Shrestha, WHO Nepal – TB Situation : Global and SEA
- Dr. Ajith Weerakoon, Epidemiologist, STAC – Situation of TB, HIV/AIDS in the SAARC Region
- Dr. Naveen Prakash Shah, Consultant Chest Physician, NTC – General Information on TB and Current Situation and Achievements of NTP Nepal
- Dr. Tarun Poudel, Director, NCASC, Government of Nepal – General Information on HIV/AIDS and Current Situation and Achievement of NACP
- Dr. Ajith Weerakoon, Epidemiologist, STAC – Role of Students and Teachers in Control and Prevention of TB and HIV/AIDS
- Discussion/Interaction
- Miss Manisha Maharjan, Grade 12 gave her remarks on behalf of participating students
- Mr. Shyam Bahadur KC, Teacaher gave his remarks on behalf of participating teachers
- Mr. Dasharath Balami, Chairman, School Management Committee gave his remarks and concluded the programme
- Handing over of STAC Publications to school library
- Handing over of sport materials by Director
Participants were provided publications of STAC as resource materials.
SAARC Charter Day, 2015
The 31st SAARC Charter Day has been observed by organizing the “Interaction Programme with Students and Teachers on “SAARC and its Activities in the Region” at SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre, Thimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal on 7th December 2015. In the programme the following activities were carried out:
- Presentation of the Message of His Excellency Secretary General of SAARC, Mr. Arjun Bahadur Thapa
- Presentation about SAARC
- Presentation on SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre
- Presentation on TB and its control
- Presentation on HIV/AIDS and its prevention
30th SAARC Charter Day, 2014
Message by H. E. Mr. Arjun Bahadur Thapa, Secretary General, SAARC
Art Competition & Exhibition
Celebration of SAARC Charter Day
29th SAARC Charter Day
27th SAARC Charter Day
SAARC TB and HIV/AIDS Centre, Kathmandu celebrated 27th Anniversary in Kathmandu on 7th December 2012. Mr. Praveen Mishra, Secretary of Health and Population Ministry, Government of Nepal grace the occasion as Chief Guest. Delegates from SAARC Member States, Bhutan, India, Maldives and Sri Lanka along with the different media people participated the function. The function was chaired by Dr. Niranjan Mansingh Bashyat, Chief of Protocol, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Nepal.
26th Silver Jubilee Anniversary
On the auspicious occasion of Silver Jubilee Anniversary of the establishment of SAARC, STAC in collaboration with the SAARC Information Centre (SIC) jointly organized an Interaction Programme with Students/Teachers and Media People in Kathmandu on 8th December 2011.
25th SAARC Charter Day
On the auspicious occasion of 25th SAARC Charter Day STAC organized an Awareness Programme for School Students, Teachers and Journalists on SAARC, TB and HIV/AIDS Control on 8th Dec. 2010 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
24th SAARC Charter Day
On the auspicious occasion of 24th SAARC Charter Day STAC organized an Interaction Program with Media for Control of TB and Prevention of HIV/AIDS on 8th Dec. 2009 at Thimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal.
23nd SAARC Charter Day
On the auspicious occasion of 23rd SAARC Charter Day STAC organized a Partnership Programme with Media for Control of TB and Prevention of HIV/AIDS in Kathmandu on 9th Dec. 2008 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
22nd SAARC Charter Day
On the auspicious occasion of 22nd SAARC Charter Day STAC organized an Interaction Programme with Journalists in control of TB and Prevention of HIV/AIDS on the SAARC Region on 8th Dec. 2007 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
21st SAARC Charter Day
On the auspicious occasion of 21st SAARC Charter Day, SAARC TB Centre organized an Interaction Programme with School in control and prevention of TB on 8th December 2006 in Kathmandu.
20th SAARC Charter Day
On the auspicious occasion of 20th SAARC Charter Day, SAARC TB Centre organized an Interaction Programme with Media in control and prevention of TB and HIV/AIDS on 8th December 2005 in Kathmandu.
19th SAARC Charter Day
On the auspicious occasion of the 19th SAARC Charter Day, the SAARC TB Centre organized a Training Course on TB Lab. Management (December 8 to 18, 2004) in Kathmandu.
18th SAARC Charter Day
On the auspicious occasion of 18th SAARC Charter Day, a Trainers’ Training Programme on TB Control Programme Management was organized jointly by SAARC TB Centre, Kathmandu and Government of Sri Lanka, in Colombo (10 – 23 December 2003).
17th SAARC Charter Day
On the auspicious occasion of 17th SAARC Charter Day, a Training Programme was organized jointly by SAARC TB Centre, Kathmandu and National TB Institute, Bangalore at NTI (8-12 December, 2002).
16th SAARC Charter Day
On the occasion of 16th SAARC Charter Day, STAC organized a briefing programme for International and National Journalists on Role of SAARC TB Centre in TB Control in the SAARC Region on December 5, 2001 at STAC training hall, Thimi, Bhaktapur.